Possible Challenge on This Day:
Feeling dull, stuck and uncreative.
Opportunity for Deeper Alignment
To maximize my capacity for creativity in every area of my life
Journal Prompt
Assess where I have felt stuck and dull and how I can be creative in these areas:
Mudra & Pranayama:
With thumb push and hold pinky down to palm with breath of fire
Positive Affirmation:
When I dwell in my True Identity all is perfect, whole and complete. I experience humility when I let my heart guide my head. I call on the wisdom within because I am one with the creativity of the Universe. Out of this creativity come all the answers, all the solutions, all the healing and all transformation. I trust this, I know that it is my true identity and whatever I need to know is revealed to me and whatever I need comes to me in the right time, space and sequence. In gratitude I bow to these qualities of creativity and humility.
Mantra: Repeat 108x
Ek Ong Kar
Possible Challenge on This Day:
Falling into conspiracy us and them theories and all stories that separate you from your true self
Opportunity for Deeper Alignment
To experience my true connection to my light
Journal Prompt
What do I encounter that pulls me back into the illusion of separation
Mudra & Pranayama:
Interlock hands in lap with long deep breathing
Positive Affirmation:
When I dwell in my true identity, all is perfect, whole and complete.I recognize that deep within me is the longing to belong. I obey this longing and connect deeply to the light of my soul.
Mantra: Repeat 108x
I am, I am
Possible Challenge on This Day:
Feeling unmotivated and depressed
Opportunity for Deeper Alignment
To experience the positive expression of my mind
Journal Prompt
What are the things in my life that I don’t feel happy or blissful about and how can I shift this?
Mudra & Pranayama:
Fold left hand and right hand over the navel, inhale through puckered lips exhale nose
Positive Affirmation:
When I dwell in my true identity all is perfect, whole and complete. I see myself and all other beings in the Universe as absolutely equal, perfect, whole and complete. Like the rays of the sun, I shine love and light on everyone.
Mantra (Repeat 108x):
Possible Challenge on This Day:
Being Reactive to the days events
Opportunity for Deeper Alignment
To consciously choose to live this day as a yogi, unaffected by the pair of opposites
Journal Prompt
To be non-reactive and compassionate will serve me and the world in this way:
Mudra & Pranayama:
Yogi mudra at the heart (prayer mudra and then move the palms apart so only finger tips touch): Inhale for a count of 4 and exhale for a count of 4.
Positive Affirmation:
When I dwell in my true Identity all is perfect, whole and complete. Filled with compassion, I integrate all aspects of my experiences, and live as a yogi. I serve to resurrect others and myself with compassion.
Mantra: Repeat 108x
Haquel Hoo Hoo Hoo
Possible Challenge on This Day:
Getting thrown off balance
Opportunity for Deeper Alignment
Capacity to find the balance between your needs and others needs.
Journal Prompt
Where do I over-sacrifice for others and not take care of my own physical, emotional and spiritual needs?
Mudra & Pranayama:
Gian mudra (thumb to index finger) and breath of fire
Positive Affirmation:
When I dwell in my true Identity all is perfect, whole and complete.I keep my body in an intricate balance. I sacrifice (make sacred), when I teach others to experience their own brilliance. With the great joy of being a teacher I choose to speak words, which guide others to have the experience of their Infinite nature. Each cell in my body has divine intelligence. I recognize my body as a good friend.
Mantra: Repeat 108x
Possible Challenge on This Day:
Feeling spaced out and unfocused
Opportunity for Deeper Alignment
To see what needs to be seen and not what is
Journal Prompt
This is what could happen when I let myself be guided by my intuition:
Mudra & Pranayama:
Shuni mudra (thumb to middle finger) Inhale for a count of 6, hold for a count of 6, exhale for a count of 6
Positive Affirmation:
When I dwell in my true Identity all is perfect, whole and complete. My intuition guides me in my ability to manifest my projection and it protects me every moment. I now dwell and live as the light of my soul.
Mantra: Repeat 108x
Wahe Guru
Possible Challenge on This Day:
Feeling insecure and un-contained
Opportunity for Deeper Alignment
Strengthen my aura to feel contained within my own self
Journal Prompt
In what areas of my life do I act out of insecurity and what would help me to feel more secure?
Mudra & Pranayama:
Arms up at 60 degrees, palms face the sky with a whistling breath on inhale and exhale
Positive Affirmation:
When I dwell in my true Identity all is perfect, whole and complete. I feel self contained and deeply secure within my spiritual identity. My kindness throughout the day uplifts and elevates all beings and all situations.
Mantra: Repeat 108x
Possible Challenge on This Day:
Feeling anxious and fearful
Opportunity for Deeper Alignment
Sit with my fear until I feel courageous
Journal Prompt
The way out is in, so what is my fear here to show me?
Mudra & Pranayama:
Bear grip at heart (Clasp hands, right faces in, left out) Inhale 8 sniffs, exhale 8 sniffs
Positive Affirmation:
When I dwell in my true Identity all is perfect, whole and complete. I self initiate my creative talents and abilities to flow through me and express in deeply satisfying ways. I am filled with courage and energy. Each breath connect my finite self to my Infinite Self.
Mantra: Repeat 108x
Sat Nam
Possible Challenge on This Day:
Feeling restless and mystified
Opportunity for Deeper Alignment
Observe the synchronicities in today’s events
Journal Prompt
When I’m not calm, I can allow calmness to flow to the surface when I…
Mudra & Pranayama:
Hands folded over the heart with sitali pranayama (inhale through rolled tongue or puckered lips, exhale nose)
Positive Affirmation:
When I dwell in my true Identity all is perfect, whole and complete. Deep at the center of my being there is an infinite well of calm. It fills my heart, my body, my mind, my consciousness and my very being, The more calm I experience, the more I have to give because the supply is infinite. Mastery comes from paying attention to the subtleties and from this connection I express all aspects of my life like a master.
Mantra: Repeat 108x
Haring Sohung, Sohung Haring
Possible Challenge on This Day:
Feeling ineffective and the desire to be invisible
Opportunity for Deeper Alignment
Dress up in all your radiant glory and allow yourself to be seen
Journal Prompt
Could I be a leader in a small group, or do I shy away from this kind of attention?
Mudra & Pranayama:
Surya mudra (middle finger and thumb) with breath of fire
Positive Affirmation:
When I dwell in my true Identity all is perfect, whole and complete. I express the radiance and brilliance of the light of my soul. I act with nobility and royal courage in all of my actions. I express my courage, which is confirmed with every action I take. My radiant body shines like a masculine sun, providing light to all other 9 feminine bodies. I am the loving, joyous expression of life.
Mantra: Repeat 108x
Possible Challenge on This Day:
Feeling small and insignificant
Opportunity for Deeper Alignment
With each breath to affect a positive change towards a brighter world
Journal Prompt
I make myself small in these ways and this is how I can become vast
Mudra & Pranayama:
Sit on heels with hands in Prayer pose: inhale sit up and exhale forehead to ground
Positive Affirmation:
When I dwell in my true Identity all is perfect, whole and complete. I am a master and a yogi: creative, connected, blissful, balanced, intuitive, self contained, courageous and radiant unto Infinity.
Mantra: Repeat 108x
I am the great spirit wow, I am the great spirit