
To ensure that your sixth body is in optimal health, the following are recommended:

• Create a Vision Board

• Listen to / Play the Gong

• Chant the following mantra:


• Kundalini Yoga: For Mastering the Sixth Body and Balancing the Pericardium and Triple-Warmer Meridians

• Meditation: For Mastering the Sixth Body

Suggested Supplements
to Balance, Support & Strengthen
the Sixth Body

***An email address is required to access the recommended supplements***

Kundalini Yoga for Mastering the Sixth Body

For Focus

Balancing the Pericardium and Triple-Warmer Meridians

1. Yogi walk. Focus deeply as you stand up on your toes and remain on your toes for the whole yogi walk. With your hands in GM, lift your arms parallel to the ground and bend them at the elbows so that the forearms are perpendicular to the ground. Palms face forward. With each powerful inhale, bring alternate knees up to your chest, and with each powerful exhale bring your foot back to the ground. Continue to walk in place for 5 minutes.

2. Pituitary Bowing Series: Sit on your heels in rock pose and place your hands out in front of your knees on the floor. Say the mantra “Wahe” as you sit up, and as you move your forehead to the ground say “Guru.” Your breath will self-regulate. Your eyes are focused at the third eye. Move up and down with your hands on the floor. Continue for 11 minutes. Then lie on your back and relax in corpse pose for 3 minutes, connecting to your intuition.

3. Maha Mudra: extend your left leg out in front of you and tuck your right heel into the pelvis. Hold your left big toe with both index fingers and straighten your spine. Lift your heart so your spine is straight and apply neck lock. Stare at your big toe and focus your energy while pressing on the middle of your big toenail with your thumbs. Inhale, exhale and hold all the breath out while you apply Mulbandh for 8 seconds. Continue in this rhythm, applying Mulbandh only on the exhale with your left leg extended for a total of 7 ½ minutes. Then switch legs and repeat the asana on your right side for 7 ½ minutes.

4. Rest on your back in corpse pose for 5 minutes and then bring your knees to your chest and rock back and forth on your spine. Sit up with your legs extended out in front of you.

5. Back platform pose:

• Part 1: Lean back on your hands with fingers pointing at your toes. Lift your pelvis so that your legs, back and neck are in a straight line, then tuck your chin to your chest. Inhale up in this position, then exhale and lower your pelvis back down to the ground. Concentrate on the third eye. Continue this movement for 1 to 3 minutes. To end, inhale, hold your breath in back platform and exhale as you lower yourself down.

• Part 2: Repeat the same asana for 1 to 3 more minutes with the opposite breathing pattern: exhale up and inhale down.

6. Lie on your back in corpse pose, listen to the gong and focus on the third eye, the arcline. Long Deep Relaxation for 11 minutes. Dwell in the experience of being able to manifest all you need to live in the experience of your True Identity as Infinity. As you relax, focus on the following affirmation: “I allow myself to integrate the cosmic realms into my body and into my life. I know everything that has ever been known and I am guided and protected by my intuition. The one-pointedness of my prayer and intention draws all good things to me.”

Meditation for Mastering the Sixth Body

For Intuitive Awareness

Sit in easy pose with your hands on your knees in Surya Mudra (thumb and ring finger touch on each hand). Focus your eyes on the tip of your nose.

Inhale in a 4-part segmented breath (one inhale broken into 4 “sniffs”):

• On the first sniff turn your head over the left shoulder

• On the second sniff turn your head over the right shoulder

• On third sniff turn back over the left shoulder

• On the fourth sniff turn over to the right shoulder

On the exhale, return the head to the center, then chant “Wahe Guru” 8 times. Begin again the 4-part segmented inhale while turning your head as described above and again chanting “Wahe Guru” on the exhale in the center. Continue for 11 minutes. To end: inhale, hold the breath and feel the arcline, between your ears across your forehead, integrating heaven and earth. Feel the arcline to be “I am, I am.” Dwell in your complete radiance and energy.

Comments: This can be practiced for 31 minutes, 62 minutes, and up to 2 ½ hours. The effects of this meditation give complete mental mastery as the meditation connects your individual arcline with the Cosmic arcline. From this connection, the entire universe attunes to your Higher Self, and your Higher Self attunes to the entire universe.