Neutral Mind
To ensure that your fourth body is in optimal health, the following are recommended:
• Wear white clothes and eat white food.
• Do cross-crawl exercises: Lie on your back on a firm, cushioned surface. Inhale and raise both your left leg bent at the knee and your right arm held straight out at 90°. As you exhale, lower them and raise the right leg and the left arm into the same positions. Use a moderate speed, not too slow and not too fast. You can start by doing cross-crawls for one minute and work up to as long as you want.
• Chant the following mantra:
“Ra Ma”
• Kundalini Yoga: For Mastering the Fourth Body and Balancing the Lung and Large Intestine Meridians
• Meditation: For Mastering the Fourth Body
Suggested Supplements
to Balance, Support & Strengthen
the Fourth Body
***An email address is required to access the recommended supplements***
Kundalini Yoga for Mastering the Fourth Body
Balancing the Lung and Large Intestine Meridians
1. Cat/cow asana. Get on your hands and knees, spreading your fingers as wide as possible. Inhale and move your head up and spine/navel down. Exhale and move your head down and your spine/navel up. Continue for 1 to 3 minutes.
2. Stretch pose with Breath of Fire for 1 to 3 minutes.
3. Get into easy pose and bring your hands together in prayer pose at your heart chakra. Long Deep Breathing with a straight spine, chin in and chest out. Concentrate on your heartbeat. Roll your eyes up and focus at the third eye. Continue for 3 minutes. Inhale and apply Mulbandh, hold for 20 seconds, then exhale and relax for 30 seconds, feeling connected to your intention.
4. Get into modified back platform pose, supporting yourself on your elbows. Hold your body in a straight line. Long Deep Breathing for 1 to 3 minutes. Inhale and hold your breath for 10 seconds, then lower your hips down to the ground. Slowly sit up in easy pose and relax for 30 seconds, dwelling in that sacred space beyond polarities.
5. Put your hands on your shoulders with your fingers in front and thumbs in back. Inhale and twist to the left, moving your entire torso with your head. Exhale and twist to the right. This is a continuous movement done for 1 to 3 minutes.
6. Place your hands into bear grip: your left hand faces out at your heart center and your right hand faces in; right fingers clasp the left fingers at the heart center. Inhale and pull the hand lock, holding your breath in for a count of 8 and applying Mulbandh. Exhale and hold your breath out for a count of 8, applying Mulbandh and pulling on the hand lock again. Continue for 1 to 3 minutes.
7. Get into easy pose and raise your left arm up to 60°, palm flat and facing up as if holding up the heavens. Your right hand is on your right knee, palm flat and facing up. Begin Long Deep Breathing and keep a slight Mulbandh applied during the entire asana. Keep your eyes open, focus on one point out in front of you and do not blink. Continue for 5 minutes.
8. Face your left palm away from your body behind your back and touch the back of your hand to your back at level of the heart chakra. Your right palm is facing your body and is on the heart center. Do Long Deep Breathing and feel the flow of energy between both hands. Continue for 5 minutes.
9. Long Deep Relaxation for 11 minutes, dwelling in the sacred space of the heart, beyond time and space, in deep love with the True Self. As you relax, focus on the following affirmation: “My compassionate heart allows me to find meaning and worth in all my experiences and to clearly see the play of life. I serve with an attitude of gratitude.”
Meditation for Mastering the Fourth Body
To Be a Living Sanctuary
Part 1: Sit in easy pose. Your eyes are closed with eyelids relaxed. Hold your hands in prayer pose at the heart center and move your palms away from each other so that only your fingertips touch. Hold this mudra at the level of your diaphragm and do not touch your body. Your breath becomes lighter and lighter as you eliminate all thoughts. There is no mantra. 5-15 minutes.
Part 2: Hold the same position, chanting the following mantra in a monotone with a slight pause after each phrase: “Healthy am I, Happy am I, Holy am I.”
Repeat this for 5 to 15 minutes.
Inhale and focus at the third eye. Listen silently to the mantra for 20 seconds. Repeat this 2 more times, then inhale, raise your hands above your head and shake your hands vigorously, so that your whole body shakes. Continue for 1 minute,