Soul Body
To ensure that your first body is in optimal health, the following are recommended:
• Take psyllium seed husks and chlorophyll to keep your first chakra functioning smoothly.
• Sat Kriya 11 minutes per day.
• Chant this:
“ Ek Ong Kar, Sat Nam, Siri Wahe Guru”
• Kundalini Yoga: For Mastering the First Body and Balancing the Stomach and Spleen-Pancreas Meridians
• Meditation: For Mastering the First Body
Suggested Supplements
to Balance, Support & Strengthen
the First Body
***An email address is required to access the recommended supplements***
Kundalini Yoga for Mastering the First Body
Balancing the Stomach and Spleen-Pancreas Meridians
1. Sit on your heels and put your forehead on the ground with your arms stretched out in front of you, your palms flat on the floor. Inhale into the base of your spine as you visualize the colors of each chakra (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, violet). Exhale and visualize all of the colors dissolving. Continue this Long Deep Breathing visualization for 4 minutes.
2. Stretch your legs out in front of you and lean back on your arms so that your spine is at a 60º angle. Drop your head back comfortably. Begin Long Deep Breathing: with each exhale project a beam of light out of your forehead and apply a slight Mulbandh. Continue for 2 minutes.
3. Sit in easy pose with your hands in GM on your knees. Apply neck lock and chant a long 15 second “Ong” on each exhale. Keep your eyes focused at your third eye point. Continue for 5 to 11 minutes.
4. Sit in easy pose with your palms together in prayer pose touching the body at your heart chakra. Long Deep Breathing in this position for 3 minutes.
5. Sat Kriya for 11 minutes. To end: Inhale, hold your breath and visualize your body surrounded by an impenetrable light shield.
6. Long Deep Relaxation; as you relax, focus on the following affirmation: “I am creative whenever I need to be in the way I process my universe.”
Meditation for Mastering the First Body
For the Creative Flow of the Soul
This meditation is for expanding the horizons of your elemental, creative consciousness.
Tantric Kriya: Sit in easy pose, your elbows at your sides and your palms face-up. Interlace your fingers so both your palms and fingers point up with your left pinky finger closest to the chest. Your thumbs point away from your body and are parallel to the ground. Relax your hands and fingers. Hold this mudra at your navel. Inhale for 4 seconds and on the exhale chant “Wahe Guru” 12 times. Listen to yourself deeply as you chant. Your eyes are focused at the tip of your nose. Continue for 11 to 31 minutes and end with deep relaxation as you feel your creative energy in abundance.