We each have a soul, three parts of our mind and a physical body. The third eye is the balance point between our physical existence and our spiritual existence, which we call the arc-line. From our 10th gate, rays of light shoot out which surround our physical body in a 9-foot sphere. This flow is what creates the electromagnetic field around the body, the aura. With all contractions and polarities neutralized, this aura will become nine feet wide and creates a sphere of eighteen feet in diameter. With this extended aura intact, we have the ability to hold the life force, prana, from the universe for use in our physical existence with our Pranic Body. When this Pranic Body recharges our spiritual energy, that energy flows into our subtle chakra system and this distributes the prana into the meridians or nadis. When you learn to clear the reactivity in each of the chakras this energy will flow unimpeded and result in brilliance.
We studied many books to find the patterns, which other cultures had observed, in order to recognize where dis-harmony came from. We found charts describing the energetic patterns of health and dis-ease, of expansion and contraction, in books on Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, macrobiotics and in the Touch For Health courses. It was interesting to notice that these charts presented many similarities to the kundalini yoga teachings. We realized that there had to be one energy pattern that flows through all beings and that this was described in many different ways, yet it was the same electrical system at the causal level. This is the concept that we will explore in our book.
In the end, you will have a kind of schematic diagram for what we call your “Purest Potential” (a collection of functional ways of seeing) that when practiced will increase your awareness, making an incredibly large amount of data available to you at any given moment. This will allow you the opportunity to make more informed choices that can lead to happiness, health, prosperity and a life that expresses your Purest Potential.
*Purest is clear and true; without any discordant quality
*Potential is that which you are capable of being or becoming:
As we always say, prosperity means a pro-spirit life. Your unique spirit has so many ways of expressing itself—and how to experience them is what this book will enlighten you with. Brilliance…
Tantric Numerology is different from most numerology books. We won’t be dealing with a lot of numbers or formulas. Our first book, Numerology for Self Mastery, presents the ten bodies in a very personal way. A good way to begin your study of the ten bodies would be to familiarize yourself with the information in the first book. It explains how to calculate the numerology hidden in the day of your birth. Your birth numbers describe your preliminary destiny in terms of the ten bodies. Expanding yourself beyond those first studies of numerology into actually applying the technology to cause positive change using all ten bodies will give you the capacity to re-write your destiny. This is the intention for Tantric Numerology.
This second book looks at the expressions of each of the ten bodies so you can learn how to integrate and coordinate each body consciously. These bodies are the yogic description of what the fully expressed human being feels and acts like. The practical part of it is that anyone can achieve this state of realization – it just takes applying your awareness. You don’t need to belong to any organized anything to express your potential.
Knowing your personal numbers will allow you to harmonize your soul’s expression. Our premise is that the soul has lessons to integrate and gifts to express this lifetime. With an awareness of your soul’s journey you can manifest your specific expression. Learning how to express the potential of your ten bodies will give you the ability to live beyond the drama of your karma, (polarities) so you can fulfill your Purest Potential. These two books are the foundation for you to learn how to bring yourself completely present in your own life in a harmonic way.
A study of Numerology for Self Mastery using Kundalini Yoga practices and Meditations to achieve fulfillment. This form of Numerology is not just a reading to entertain and inform. This form uses Kundalini Yoga sets and meditations to rewrite the responses to lifes challenges.The techniques create the ability of the practicioner to respond rather than react to life’s events. Their is a breakdown of the human psyche according to the Yogi’s and technology to rewrite the way planetary light affects the human psyche. This transmission of light can be experienced as harmonious and the Universe experienced as an ally not the enemy. Change feeling like a victim(Karma and past life Karma known as Samskaras) to Dharma or flow with the Universe as your Ally. Enjoy the technology of Kundalini Yoga sets and meditations to release the obstacles and experience the joy and fulfillment of manifesting your Purest Potential, now.