You have a soul, three parts of your mind and a physical body. The third eye, the arc line, is the balance point between your physical existence and your spiritual existence. From your 7th chakra, rays of light radiate out which surround your physical body in a sphere. This flow creates the electromagnetic field around the body, the aura. When all contractions and polarities in the first 5 chakras are neutralized, this aura expands to become a sphere of eighteen feet in diameter. With this extended aura, you then have the ability to channel the universal life force, prana, into your physical existence through the Pranic Body. Then your Pranic Body automatically recharges your subtle body system from the connection to an infinite supply of energy…

This is why a strong everyday yogic practice is so important. It provides the foundation that promotes healthy lifestyle habits, which ensure the proper functioning of each organ, which then creates a more powerful electric pulse at the end of each meridian / Nadi. This then, demands that the energy of each chakra is balanced according to the increased power. A powerful aura provides more stability to the chakras. Turning up the power allows the spin of each vortex to be less like a whirlpool, and more like a pair of turbines spinning side-by-side in opposite directions. The result of this electric turbine motion is that it draws the Kundalini upward through the shushmuna Nadi channel. When this vital frequency passes through the energy field of each chakra, it produces a side effect, what the ancient yogis called “ram” literally meaning, “juice” or “nectar.” At this point, not only is each organ healthy and every passageway clear, the energy bodies get balanced and you can enjoy your whole Self- physically and energetically. The ancient texts describe the chakras as gates through which the life energy of the universe flows. In short, when you create a conscious lifestyle and care for the body, as well as balance the chakras and their energy. Body emanations you ensure an experience of your purest potential, your brilliance.